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The weeks leading up to surgery



The Recovery Zone (Extremely Important): This is an enclosed, flat, non-slip area, which has nothing to jump on, and will act as your pet’s home base during their entire recovery period. As an example, think of an area rug with a ~6-foot diameter exercise pen, for enclosure, with nothing in there other than a safe dog bed. You will need to set up at least one recovery zone.  

  • Your pet must sleep in their recovery zone – They are not allowed on your bed (or any furniture) until after their final x-rays have been evaluated by Dr. Lynch. 

  • Plan your pet’s recovery zone in a location that avoids stairs/steps for your pet. 

  • A safe dog bed has a predictable surface and is on the ground. Do not place loose blankets/bedding in the recovery zone. This is an unpredictable surface that may catch your pet’s leg and startle them, leading to a muscle spasm and set back.  




Traction (Extremely Important): Your pet must have good traction anywhere that they will be walking in your home. If you have slippery floors, then it is advised that you put down runner mats (with rubber underside), or equivalent, so that your pet does not slip.  




Block Stairs Wherever PossibleUsing stairs could increase the risk for a fall injury or overuse. All activity should be performed on flat surfaces at a slow, controlled, walking pace, on a non-slip surface.




Notify Visitors: Hang a sign outside your front door to alert any guests that your pet is recovering from surgery, and you would appreciate it if they texted you rather than ringing the doorbell or knocking on the door. 


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