How to use Dr. Lynch's Services
General Communications: Please see the “Contact Us” page for guidance as to who you should contact when you have questions. If you are unsure, then please contact your hospital. Your hospital contact info is available to you through the “Contact Us” page.
Phone Consultations: Dr. Lynch will call you at your scheduled consultation time. Please ensure that you are available and have reviewed all resources on this website. Importantly, note that this phone line is used solely for phone consultations and is not monitored otherwise. Calls or texts that you make to this number will not be received or responded to.
Important: In most instances, Dr. Lynch has not examined your pet prior to this phone consultation. The purpose of this discussion is to increase your education surrounding your pets presumptive diagnosis and possible surgical treatment avenues.
Important: These phone calls are recorded and sent to your primary veterinarian for your records.
The Day of Surgery: Dr. Lynch will call you pre-operatively only if there is concern on physical exam with your pet; otherwise, he will call you once your pet is finished with surgery and awake in recovery.
Post-Surgery Follow-Up: It is advised that you follow up with Dr. Lynch every two weeks regarding your pet’s progress after surgery. See the “Contact Us” page. This will instruct you how to upload progress updates or questions (via the website), photos (via the website) and videos (via email). It is important that your communications follow this format, as communications outside of this specific format may not be received.
Final X-ray Visit: It is IMPORTANT that you have your hospital schedule a phone consultation with Dr. Lynch, and have them send your pet’s x-rays to Dr. Lynch, to discuss your pet’s final post-operative x-rays prior to resuming normal activity. This phone consultation to review your pet’s final x-rays is at no charge from Dr. Lynch.
Important: For many communications where your pet is on track, or has a straightforward concern to address, Dr. Lynch’s nurse will respond to you after she has spoken with Dr. Lynch.